#6 Loneliness (MH Awareness)


#6 Loneliness - Mental Health Awareness Week 09/05/22


This week is mental health awareness week.

I believe it is important to recognise the importance of people's MH, and it's affect on their relationships and their work. Something that is relevant to many of us, especially as a result of the fallout of covid, is loneliness. I want to talk a little bit about my experiences of loneliness as I started my entrepreneurial journey.

Loneliness is an ailment that can affect all of us at some point in our lives. There's no single identifying cause why someone may feel lonely - after all, we're all different and everything affects us differently. If we knew the cause, it would be much easier to treat!

When I chose to start my own business, I didn't expect loneliness to be a challenge I would have to overcome. All you think about is the fun and exciting parts that come with working for yourself! Working in a completely new area was (and still can be!) a lonely task. If you launch a business on your own, you're plugging away at all the stuff that needs doing without the support of someone at your side doing it with you. Of course, there are your loved ones who are there to support you all the way no matter what, but sometimes they just can't understand the trials and tribulations you're going through because they haven't experienced it themselves.

But, that's what this journey is all about. The first thing they tell you is that it isn't going to be easy! It's about experiencing new things and new problems, and overcoming them. Then, you can use that knowledge to help those who come after, to make it a bit easier for them. There are things that can be done to aid entrepreneurs loneliness. I've found that networking events have been a great opportunity to meet like-minded people in a similar position as you. I've had chats with other people starting businesses saying how lonely it can be. It invigorates you to be able to share with them your problems and to bounce ideas off each other.

When you don't know what you are doing as a start-up, you can feel out of your depth. There's an overload of information that you know that you don't know about, whilst also being acutely aware there is even more stuff out there about the business that you don't know you don't know about! Not having someone to give you guidance, to help you understand, can be quite isolating. It's a tough journey, and oftentimes you just need to experience it and find out that information for yourself.

But knowing that I have a dedicated group of loved ones always behind me, supporting me, is of great consolation (the dedicated group of loved ones also include my cats, who are always there to "assist" me with my work!).

That, and a drive to prove to others that I am capable of succeeding, is guiding me on my way.

It's okay to feel how you feel, people.

#letsgetpersonal #loneliness #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth